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Educational work demand

At present, from the introduction of the government's normative opinions, to the formulation and mandatory implementation of local standards, campus security construction has been widely concerned by all sectors of society, and technical defense has become an important means of campus security, and cooperate with civil air defense and physical defense to create a safe campus。

Current situation of educational work

At present, whether it is an ordinary university or a primary and secondary school, the current situation of campus security is not optimistic, basically in a situation dominated by civil air defense and machine defense, and technical defense is still in its infancy。The school continues to increase investment in civil air defense and machine defense, such as increasing school security personnel, organizing school guards by students, raising walls, and installing steel bars on the Windows of student dormitories。 These measures have a certain effect, but there are also some drawbacks, such as the school guard will bring continuous expenditure, and the installation of steel guardrail in the dormitory does not meet the fire protection requirements。
Campus security is mainly composed of two parts: one is the teaching office area, and the other is the area where students study and live。At present, most primary and secondary schools are closed management, but the students' self-control is relatively poor, self-protection ability is also weak 。Therefore, from the analysis of the environment, campus security has the characteristics of more monitoring points and large monitoring area。

Characteristics of educational work
The outer university campus has a long perimeter, more houses and more greenery;interior
Primary and secondary school students are young, weak self-defense ability, and students will also occur by climbing over the wall to steal out of the school。The above two situations will lead to a great threat to the personal and property safety of students。Therefore, the perimeter alarm system can prevent external intrusion, and at the same time prevent internal students from crossing, and the practical value is obvious。
Education solution
Security equipment:
Tension electronic fence host + tension electronic fence front end;
Hd camera

Software: SAM200 security management platform software

Educational application advantage
Unified management: The campus security system adopts the SAM200 alarm integrated management platform airport perimeter alarm system to achieve unified management, information upload, alarm linkage, so that the security system can cooperate with each other and effectively serve the campus security work
Effective defense: The perimeter alarm system uses an electronic fence system to prevent outsiders from climbing the perimeter and students from entering and leaving the campus at will, so as to resist external intruders and prevent students from going out without permission
Clear evidence: the video surveillance system uses high-definition cameras in the key areas of reasonable distribution, auxiliary lighting linkage, once the release of perimeter intrusion behavior, immediately linkage video, access to live video
Strict security: The perimeter of the school is laid, with access control, in addition, it can be arbitrarily erected according to the terrain, eliminating security blind spots and creating no dead cornersPerimeter alarm system

Educational application case
Shanghai Fu Lei Middle School

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